This is continuation of previous article (Series 2) of How to Invest into anything? The previous article was preparatory whereas this issue deals with specifics. Often we see in the investment world is not true. This is why many predictions of experts and pundits go wrong. The art of investment is similar to “Art of War” where an Investor is a soldier. He has to deal with the situation as it comes. No planning helps,whereas some core understanding does guide the soldier, that is, an investor. This article is more directed at the individual investor who is relatively less equipped to deal with complex products such as ETF, futures, options, derivatives, leverages etc. The author’s emphasis is to let the investor make the most money through discipline and simple understanding. An individual does not have delve into complexities when he can as well make same or even better amount of money by following simple strategy. This is why Author reminded his father’s wisdom – “When one needs to use common sense, he should not waste his intelligence. It can be put to better use later on. Read more…..
Saving and Investing into Gold-Series 3-How to Invest into Anything?
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