Retiring President’s Parting Gift to Paulson

This article is written just after tentative agreement reached between Congress and the President. It squarely deals with the potential fall out in the market and the streets. it also shows how irresponsibly a person like Paulson having 36 days of political life (unless renewed) to spend $700 billion by legalizing the illegal and parallel economy created by the banks and brokers

Kalidas thanks for your support

Dear Readers, I was overwhelmed by the strong response and support shown by the readers on my first blog. I have seen several comments for which I could not reply individually. There were some comments where the readers have posed some questions. Unfortunately, I could not figure out the “reply” button or other system with…

Paulson’s Poison Pill – Cost $700 Billions

The author thoroughly invesigates the Paulson’s game plan that seeks to blow up $700 billions of American Tax payers. The author informs that taxpayers may lose $700 billions overnight to finance the securities having zero value. He also asks why American taxpayers should pay for the obligations of off-shore obligations of some American corporations? A master piece and very informative that answers many questions in the minds of today’s intellegentia and common men alike.