Scams, Scandals & Stock Markets – the ultimate buy opportunities.

The Author provides tools to investors how should they deal with seemingly bad news and convert them into solid money making opportunities. Scams and Scandals are the integral part of the super bull or bear markets where the temptations are more and real opportunities are less that create the fraudsters. While the Author has given the real life examples from Indian stock markets, the principles involved may be applied in all markets with difference only in degrees depending on the practices of respective stock exchange and their internal rules.

Gold $6400, Silver $80 – Why would they be at

The Author skilfully presents the reasons why Gold should to US$ 6400 and Silver $80 with full facts, figures and investigation. The Author claims that the United States has lost almost 90% of gold to banks, investment banks and hedge funds to help them short the gold to control the inflation numbers. This appear to have been done through Foreign Central Bankers to whom the gold is earmarked for having agreed to lend the gold from their inventory on behalf of Fed. The Author claims to have investigated such massive loss of gold in his highly read and reviewed book “Sub Prime Resolved” in which Chapter 14 titled”Where is Mackenna’s Gold” discloses for the first time how the gold was lost and how it was concealed successfully from the American tax payers and public. This is one of brilliant EXPOSE since the days of Watergate Scandal

India’s Stinking Auditors – Satyam Scandal – Part Two

This is a sequel to Satyam Scandal in India. The author investigates like a forensic detective where the Auditors went wrong and how could they have missed the mountain and searched for a mole. The fraud could have been easily detected by the Auditor Price Waterhouse, India Chapter, which is part of Price Waterhouse Coopers, USA. The author points out exact mistakes committed by the Auditors. This shows the inadequacies of the accounting standard. While Investors depend on the Auditors for proper accounts so that they are not taken for a ride, the Auditors behave negligently and certify most of the accounts of listed companies based on relationship with the management or some other considerations .