Black Money is the most controversial topic in India. It was part of BJP Manifesto to bring out the black money which are reportedly stashed abroad to the extent of US$ 400 Bln to 500 Billions. There are no basis on which such estimates have been made. Pitifully, such wild numbers are accepted by the politicians like brilliant Prime Minister Modi without analyzing the truth. In this major article, the author Kalidasji (Real name is Anil Selarka) quashes every wrong impression piece by piece with great insightful mind. The author skillfully discusses the sources of black money, its origin, current locations and whether they can be extracted with any success. Howsoever Mr. Modi will be as person or as Prime Minister, he can not do anything unless his coffers are full. They can be filled only by extracting black money and tax derived therefrom. The Author also dashes the conception that most black money is stashed abroad with very logical arguments and convincing mathematical truth. This is such hot topic that it must be debated across the country and beyond. Please read this article, and if possible, pass on the link to your friends, economists, experts and members of your constituencies.
Tag: India
Battle Royal – Reliance Vs. Oil Ministry – Gas dispute
Kalidasji deals with another important subject – the gas dispute between Mukesh Ambani’s Reliance and Oil Ministry. The center at the dispute is the price control of gas prices. Read this interesting episode.
Bill “Window” Gates and Warren Buffet Teach Indians Some Charity
Anil Selarka, author of classic Sub Prime Resolved” analyzes the latest visit of Bill Gates and Warren Buffet to India and evaluates their noble intentions of charity. He says that charity should be purpose oriented. Read more…
Rating & Mating Game – US abuse of Rating agencies
Rating agencies are rated very high in investor’s world because their actions cause rise or fall in bonds prices. Secretly they all hate them – but they can not be eloquent. Often, these agencies are being abused by the Authorities to serve their political agenda. US despite 12 trillions of debt is rated AAA and China with $ 2.3 trillions of forex reserve is rated A+, Read this article for more insights..
Zero Coupon Bonds – World’s Best Investment Product (Part 5 of New Series)
Anil Selarka (alias Kalidas) as part of his campaign series to educate the investors of various investment products, e,plains in layman’ terms the concept of Zero Coupon Bonds – considered by the author as Best Investment Product for individual investors. Zero becomes Hero, is what he says. He also says that while there are limited high yielding Zero CPN Bonds are available (such as South African Rand Zeros), a time is going to come within ne,t 18 months similar high yielding products in USD, GBP and EURO hitting the market as the financial crisis getting deeper and deeper (let those idiots in Washington and Fed say whatever they want). Wait for those opportunities when they arise in your countries.
This is part 5 of his New Series – How to Invest into Anything?. Part 2 of Zero coupon (Part 6 of overall series) will appear 3 days later. Read more…
Bonds,CDs and Bank Deposits build First Wealth..SR 04 of How to invest..
This is continuation of series “How to Invest into anything?” This part SR04 deals with relatively simpler products like Bank Deposits. However, the important part of this article is to teach the investors how to invest even into bank deposits. The author shows implications of many important process, and also explains in very simple terms what an Individual investor should do in such circumstances. He also explains how the Investor reduces his wealth by using plastic money, and how he can become prosperous by intelligent savings. The author also shows how to use Recurring Deposit to build real wealth with common sense planning. Meanwhile, please read more
Saving & Investing into Gold
As extension of his new Primer Series – How to Invest into anything? , the author starts with most primitive form of Savings and Investment – Gold. He contends that his research on gold indicated that United States has frittered away most of its gold in either hedging or shorting operation. Although the gold is physically held by US, the true ownership lies elsewhere for about 6297 tons of gold. (in his new book – Sub Prime Resolved – Chapter 14 He therefore feels that the gold prices could go through the roof when this reality hits the major hedge funds and large investors. In this primer, he outlines the true value of gold investing, and goes on to describe each product variation in brief details. Why should one invest into Physical gold rather than in derivatives or paper gold, he is very specific. The present financial turmoil has not ended, and if one invests into some paper assets lying with brokers or banks who may fail, there is no recourse available to investors to capitalize on massive rally in the offing. Read more… you will learn about gold more than you already know
India’s Stinking Auditors – Satyam Scandal – Part Two
This is a sequel to Satyam Scandal in India. The author investigates like a forensic detective where the Auditors went wrong and how could they have missed the mountain and searched for a mole. The fraud could have been easily detected by the Auditor Price Waterhouse, India Chapter, which is part of Price Waterhouse Coopers, USA. The author points out exact mistakes committed by the Auditors. This shows the inadequacies of the accounting standard. While Investors depend on the Auditors for proper accounts so that they are not taken for a ride, the Auditors behave negligently and certify most of the accounts of listed companies based on relationship with the management or some other considerations .
CHANGE – Reforming the Constitution of India after 60 years
Recent terrorist attack in Mumbai killed over 125 and injured 300. It was most brazen act equated with 911 on United States. This has promoted call to curb the Islamic terrorism in its bud and address the challenge to do what has not been done in India over 60 years. Things have changed in last 6 decaldes, aspirations of the people also changed. The modern India needs modern constitution. The old constitution lived its life. It is time to change it completely. Author critically evaluates entire scenario that have long term effect. Read the article.
Helping Indian Industrialists, Mr. Prime Minister
The Author applauds India’s top Industrialists – Ratan Tata and K M Birla. They became victims of the credit crunch that severely dented viability of their overseas acquisitions such as Corus, and Jaguar (in UK by Tata) and Novelis (by Birla). The author appeals to the Prime Minister and Finance Minister of India to help these great industrialists from India’s FOREX reserves of $300 billions and save these vital groups from dire distress. India’s forex reserve should be used for Indians first and others later, the Author argues.