Rating & Mating Game – US abuse of Rating agencies

Rating agencies are rated very high in investor’s world because their actions cause rise or fall in bonds prices. Secretly they all hate them – but they can not be eloquent. Often, these agencies are being abused by the Authorities to serve their political agenda. US despite 12 trillions of debt is rated AAA and China with $ 2.3 trillions of forex reserve is rated A+, Read this article for more insights..

Helping Indian Industrialists, Mr. Prime Minister

The Author applauds India’s top Industrialists – Ratan Tata and K M Birla. They became victims of the credit crunch that severely dented viability of their overseas acquisitions such as Corus, and Jaguar (in UK by Tata) and Novelis (by Birla). The author appeals to the Prime Minister and Finance Minister of India to help these great industrialists from India’s FOREX reserves of $300 billions and save these vital groups from dire distress. India’s forex reserve should be used for Indians first and others later, the Author argues.