Ref: DDD:09-001 of 10-Nov-2009 ScribD PDF Read and Download
There could not have been a better beginning of this series except with President Obama who has been steadily converting colorful white house into black and white. He is a President who, in the language of cricket, a late cut player.
We can not call an American President a liar. In fact, we can not call a thief a thief, or a whore a whore, if we want to talk to either of them. Everyone, regardless of his or her profession, has self respect and esteem, and it is our duty to respect them. We can call him (Obama) at the most Lawyer and Senator.
Can we brand President Bush Jr. a liar for the following?
- He attacked Iraq in the name of Weapons of Mass Destruction that were found nowhere in spite of 140,000 American soldiers searching every nook and corner.
- He deposed the President Saddam Hussein in the name of establishing democracy and finally hanged him. Can we call it “coup de tat” from overseas?
- He killed over 1 Million Iraqis and destroyed 10 million homes in the name of giving them democracy, but can we call him a killer, murderer or a war criminal on par with Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, for mass genocide in Iraq and Afghanistan?
- Has he committed an act of contempt of American constitution so as to indict him for impeachment? Certainly not, for he was misguided by CIA and FBI and all those surrounding him. He was the leader not at fault. Only the subordinates are responsible. This is why Political leaders are here for – not take responsibility but to pass on the buck to those working under them.
But President Clinton was considered “liar” and there was a motion to impeach him. How could he flirt with Monica and still say “No” to the congress. He was the Best President of the United States, and yet he was desecrated like Jesus Christ.
Now comes President Obama who always speaks with punctuated sentences. His head is nodding from one end to other like a swinging pendulum. Often he gives the impression whether he is speaking to the nation or congress or watching some Tennis Final at Grass Meadow in New York.
He is the President with weird logic and artificial intelligence. Is he a robot? No, he is not. He is human after all. He is a great deflector. In cricket, a top opening batsman uses “late cut” to send the ball to the boundary in the slip or gully by gently deflecting ball with the inner edge of the bat. Obama practices same skill with greater vigor. We are citing a few instances over here just to illustrate the inner mind of President Obama.
Saying of Lama OBAMA
Let us see some of the vital utterances of Lama Obama alias President Obama..
- He promised to save/create 3 to 5 millions jobs by 2010 with the help of $787 billions stimulus package. Wait a minute. What is the difference between Save and Create. Are they same?
- He does not count how many people LOST their jobs. Instead, he is counting saving the jobs as equivalent to creating the job. In other words, if 70 million Americans are still employed, their jobs are treated as “saved” or in other word “created”. Hey, there is no unemployment.
- He does not distinguish between jobs lost and claims filed for jobless benefits.
- For instance, the jobs lost in October were only 192,000 but the jobless claims filed were of the order of 512,000. How come? Even previous month, the jobs actually lost were equally lower.
- He says that the economy is on recovery mod and that the pace of fall has slowed down. The economy lost fewer jobs in October than in previous month, so there is a recovery. Wow!
- Say, you lost 200,000 in September, but lost only 120,000 in October, does it mean that you made profit of 80,000? Would you use this opportunity to take your family to expensive dinner or holiday in Kota Kinabalu in Malaysia because you made huge sum of 80,000?
- He passes over $ 1 Trillion “Health Care Bill” under which every American will be brought into the Health Insurance program. Wow! What a caring Obama government?
- Under this scheme, even if one is healthy, he is required to be insured (not free) and will be forced out to pay premium. That is, it is his crime for being healthy.
- What he intends is to tax the healthy Americans to pay for the insurance (with no claim because they are healthy) and use this premium to finance the health care cost of the person who is not healthy.
- In other words, Barack Obama is a “Robinhood” of 21st century. “Robbing the Reach or Healthy and Paying/financing the Poor or Unhealthy persons. It is sort of “Indirect Income Tax” for remaining healthy.
- He is reported to have praised the security at Fort Hood where a Muslim terrorist gunned down 13 American soldiers and wounded over 31.
So, what do we call him? President Obama or Lama Obama. Can we call him the Champion of Peace and Friend of the Poor & Sick? (that is, enemy of Rich, Wealthy and Healthy). He is considered “savior” not destroyer, when he continues to kill thousands of healthy Iraqi and Afghans and saving sick Americans back home at the cost of healthy Americans.
The Nobel Foundation rewarded him with the “Nobel Peace Prize” for his extra ordinary efforts and cooperation. Are they joking? Are they applying utterly butterly “Amul Butter”?
President Bush Jr. not to be outdone met Dalai Lama, the Tibet’s (China) spiritual leader. See his picture below:
This reminds me of Jim Carrey’s extra ordinary movie “Liar and Liar”. Barack Obama, also a lawyer similar to Jim Carrey in that movie, looks at the world through the inverted glass. It is Lama Obama’s World of Wonders.
There is a saying in India – BHOOT GAYA TAU PALIT AAYA.
That is, “They succeeded in driving out the Witch (= George Bush, Junior) but brought in the Devil (Barack Obama) instead.
In the language of stock market, one bad stock is replaced by even worst stock. Do you call it “Rebalancing of Portfolio as advised by this Author – Kalidas?
It is time to present the Award on this most auspicious occasion. The Award
DUMB – goes to – President Barack Obama alias Lama Obama
DEAF – goes to – Media, Newspapers, Business TV Channels, Economists, Analysts, Brokers
DUFFER – goes to – American People and whole community of Investors
Anil Selarka (Kalidas) Personal Blog: http://anilselarka.com Book Web: http://subprimeresolved.com
Hong Kong, 11th November, 2009