Anil Selarka, author of classic Sub Prime Resolved” analyzes the latest visit of Bill Gates and Warren Buffet to India and evaluates their noble intentions of charity. He says that charity should be purpose oriented. Read more…
Tag: Buffet
Deeds Always Boomerang – Noble Americans
American response to Haitian tragedy has uncovered the nobility of the hearts of American people. While they are still suffering from severest economic crisis, they are still willing to give away from the remnant to the Haitian people having nothing. A theory of Karma says that “Deeds always Boomerang” The teachings of Lord Krishna that “A World is Thy family” and “How to handle one’s wealth in his life time” are never practiced more than the Americans. While the bad deeds are still haunting the Americans, the good noble deeds such as helping Haitians will ultimately return the prosperity to the Americans. Read more..
US Economy – Coma, Colon & Full Stop
The present credit crisis is getting out of hand. President Obama has to do something very fast. His good oratory will certainly help people gain confidence but it can easily evaporate. Target specific actions are required. Merely trying to help the defunct banks is like throwing good money after bad money. It is time to preserve what is already in good condition and discard what is bad or worst. The author describes a game plan and step by step strategy to de freeze the credit and get the economy rolling again. It will work. The author who has written a book called “Sub Prime Resolved” is nearly ready and will be published soon. It contains complete step by step solution to entire range of crisis. It is in fact a “Bible of Economic Recovery of United states.
Warren Buffet – An Investor turns Moneylender
No one questions Warren Buffet. He is next only to Lord Jesus that the people begin to believe. However, he too is not infallible. He is human and makes mistakes. The wuthor critically examines how venerable Warren Buffet was taken for a ride by a few opportunists in the Fed and Treasury, and how did he compromise on the security aspects of his massive $ 8 billion of investment in Goldman Sachs and General Electric. The edge is cathing on Mr. Buffet. He is 78 and want to see the return in short term before he gets the final call. In this anxiety, he has begun to make a few mistakes. They are costly ones. Read more…..
Defrosting the Liquidity Freeze
The Author implies that if some standard or dogma does not work out for a long time, then it is time to abandone that standard. We carry hundreds of old beliefs that low interest rates promote the growth, GDP but ask Japan, did it work for them for 14 years in spite of having near Zero interest rate? Ask United States – did it work for them either for over 7 years during which Alan Greenspan brought down the interest rates on its knees without yielding any tangible result. Low interest rates fostered the derivative trades and toxic investment products that neither seller nor buyer understood. Author not only evaluates the reasons but also provides uncoventional solution to the present problem, Read the article which is written in very simple English without any jargons, in convincing and logical manner. Offer your comments, howsoever small, if you really liked the article. Other articels are found on the side bar. if you wish to download, use the download box for well formatted PDF files.