Maturity Mismatch – Another Banking Crisis in offing

The Author of brilliant book “Sub Prime Resolved” forecasts the looming banking crisis, several times larger than the last year, when almost all banks will come under severe squeeze due to interest rate rise. Almost all banks have granted 30 years Fixed Rate Mortgage to the borrowers while borrowing short term from Fed and Interbank market at near zero interest rate. The long term assets should be financed by long term liabilities, but the banks and mortgage lenders in United States have done otherwise. Trillions of dollars would be lost, several banks could go bust and the present financial crisis will deteriorate into major crisis in USA. The derivative markets too will have huge losses. Blood, blood, blood everywhere. The Author has offered solution to the US government in the form of book ” SUB PRIME RESOLVED” and also wrote to President Obama in recent past, offering him total solution. He went on to the extent that if he could not pull USA out of recession in 9 months, President Obama could sign “Death Warrant” against him with his and his family’s written consent. However, President Obama has no time to even deliberate with the Author. He bothers more about Health Care reform when the biggest banking crisis is simmering right below his Presidential Chair in the White House… Read more

Bonds,CDs and Bank Deposits build First Wealth..SR 04 of How to invest..

This is continuation of series “How to Invest into anything?” This part SR04 deals with relatively simpler products like Bank Deposits. However, the important part of this article is to teach the investors how to invest even into bank deposits. The author shows implications of many important process, and also explains in very simple terms what an Individual investor should do in such circumstances. He also explains how the Investor reduces his wealth by using plastic money, and how he can become prosperous by intelligent savings. The author also shows how to use Recurring Deposit to build real wealth with common sense planning. Meanwhile, please read more

US Economy – Coma, Colon & Full Stop

The present credit crisis is getting out of hand. President Obama has to do something very fast. His good oratory will certainly help people gain confidence but it can easily evaporate. Target specific actions are required. Merely trying to help the defunct banks is like throwing good money after bad money. It is time to preserve what is already in good condition and discard what is bad or worst. The author describes a game plan and step by step strategy to de freeze the credit and get the economy rolling again. It will work. The author who has written a book called “Sub Prime Resolved” is nearly ready and will be published soon. It contains complete step by step solution to entire range of crisis. It is in fact a “Bible of Economic Recovery of United states.

Obama’s Baby Steps into White House

The author critically examines the preemptive days of Barrack Obama before he assumes the Presidency. He held out lots of promises that gave him the opportunity to become President of United States. But the chaos that has set in has already made his life miserable. He is unable to force any change by recruiting only trusted old guards from erstwhile Clinton Administration. His choices of people, his priorities, and his views on economy and resolution of economic crisis are so poor that he is promising to be yet another “mediocre” to rule the United States. The nation is on the verge of breaking apart, the Author claims, and it is possible the fate of USA will imitate that of USSR, and in that case, Obama will perhaps be the last ruling president of a beautiful nation once upon a time called United States of America. Read further….

How good is the Reliance Petroleum (RPL) for Investors?

The Author tried to address the hypes on one of India’s most premium business house – Reliance Induustries Ltd, and its presently promoted Reliance Petroleum Ltd. (RPL) a massive green refinery, ranked 6th largest in the world. The refinery, in which Chevron holds 5% stake, comes on production stream in December 08 (now delayed to Jan 09). The stock price of this unborne child went on as high as 259. Currently trading at Rs 82, the author argues that the stock of this prized company could drop to 30 to 60 level due to host of factors, including hitherto unknown Rs 77oo crores of derivatives outstanding (US$ 1.6 billions). Too many shares – 4.5 billions are too much to digest in the market, although 70% is owned by its parent RIL – first ever Fortune 500 Indian company.