Black Money is the most controversial topic in India. It was part of BJP Manifesto to bring out the black money which are reportedly stashed abroad to the extent of US$ 400 Bln to 500 Billions. There are no basis on which such estimates have been made. Pitifully, such wild numbers are accepted by the politicians like brilliant Prime Minister Modi without analyzing the truth. In this major article, the author Kalidasji (Real name is Anil Selarka) quashes every wrong impression piece by piece with great insightful mind. The author skillfully discusses the sources of black money, its origin, current locations and whether they can be extracted with any success. Howsoever Mr. Modi will be as person or as Prime Minister, he can not do anything unless his coffers are full. They can be filled only by extracting black money and tax derived therefrom. The Author also dashes the conception that most black money is stashed abroad with very logical arguments and convincing mathematical truth. This is such hot topic that it must be debated across the country and beyond. Please read this article, and if possible, pass on the link to your friends, economists, experts and members of your constituencies.
Tag: Indian Stocks
Scams, Scandals & Stock Markets – the ultimate buy opportunities.
The Author provides tools to investors how should they deal with seemingly bad news and convert them into solid money making opportunities. Scams and Scandals are the integral part of the super bull or bear markets where the temptations are more and real opportunities are less that create the fraudsters. While the Author has given the real life examples from Indian stock markets, the principles involved may be applied in all markets with difference only in degrees depending on the practices of respective stock exchange and their internal rules.
Battle Royal – Reliance Vs. Oil Ministry – Gas dispute
Kalidasji deals with another important subject – the gas dispute between Mukesh Ambani’s Reliance and Oil Ministry. The center at the dispute is the price control of gas prices. Read this interesting episode.
Arab World to Western Powers – Mind Your Own Business
In this article, Anil Selarka or Kalidas (His nick name), describes the folly or Americans, Brits and Europeans in imposing economic sanctions on Arabic and Muslim nations as and when they pleases and freeze their FOREX reserve lying in United States and United Kingdom. It has become self-defeating exercise for them. The Arab nations have started quoting in EURO to obviate $ freezing actions with the result that oil prices have started rising with double speed. The buyer nation of oil has to buy Euro first (and sell dollar) to settle the trade in Euro. The oil prices are therefore getting double boost. One rising oil price due to QE2 program by FED and another forced selling of dollar in favour of Euro. The Author has provided valuable insight into whole affairs for which there is simple solution – De-Freeze National Reserve of any country – lying in United States. Read more…
Convertible Bonds – How to Invest Series Part – 8
Anil Selarka, author of Sub Prime Resolved, writes Part -8 of How to Invest into anything series under the title – Convertible Bonds. In this comprehensive essay, he explains the complexity of this hybrid instrument in very easy style and language a common investor would understand. At the end of this article, he even introduces a new concept – a simple QUIZ to determine how much the reader understood the article. He also appends Answer Sheet with comprehensive explanation to each answer with reference to the article.
How to Trade Stocks & Indices? – How to Invest.. series
In this great article, Author documents unwritten 23 rules, many the homework of the author himself, about how to trade stocks and indices. They hold good for US, Hong Kong and Indian markets, but also hold good with some minor changes to other markets as well. The Author Anil Selarka, nicknamed Kalidas, illustrates and explains the tenet and substance of each rule that may help the investors to buy, sell and trade the stocks with ease. These are time tasted rules invented and followed by Author himself. The Author has also invented the theory of “Mystical Numbers” which in book form will be published at the end of this year,
Red Alert for Global Stocks – TSUNAMI 7
There is every possibility that next week beginning from 24-Jan-2010 may see sharp plunge in the stocks and bond prices on the back of 5% plunge in Wall Street last week, notably over 200 points loss on Friday. The stocks were defying correction in spite of all negative data feeding through the market for over several months. The President Obama’s plan for banking overhaul has ignited this correction. Not that the President is wrong, but his presentation and timing is a bit off. One can not afford to make market rattling bland statements without making available enough details to let policy views known. Billions of dollars could be lost as result. The Author’s prediction in December that the correction may start in third week of January and take almost 80% money out of the market on or before 21 Jan 2010 came out bang on target. In this article, the author forewarns the crash and also provide tools to help the investors. Read more….
Maturity Mismatch – Another Banking Crisis in offing
The Author of brilliant book “Sub Prime Resolved” forecasts the looming banking crisis, several times larger than the last year, when almost all banks will come under severe squeeze due to interest rate rise. Almost all banks have granted 30 years Fixed Rate Mortgage to the borrowers while borrowing short term from Fed and Interbank market at near zero interest rate. The long term assets should be financed by long term liabilities, but the banks and mortgage lenders in United States have done otherwise. Trillions of dollars would be lost, several banks could go bust and the present financial crisis will deteriorate into major crisis in USA. The derivative markets too will have huge losses. Blood, blood, blood everywhere. The Author has offered solution to the US government in the form of book ” SUB PRIME RESOLVED” and also wrote to President Obama in recent past, offering him total solution. He went on to the extent that if he could not pull USA out of recession in 9 months, President Obama could sign “Death Warrant” against him with his and his family’s written consent. However, President Obama has no time to even deliberate with the Author. He bothers more about Health Care reform when the biggest banking crisis is simmering right below his Presidential Chair in the White House… Read more
Zero Coupon Bonds – World’s Best Investment Product (Part 5 of New Series)
Anil Selarka (alias Kalidas) as part of his campaign series to educate the investors of various investment products, e,plains in layman’ terms the concept of Zero Coupon Bonds – considered by the author as Best Investment Product for individual investors. Zero becomes Hero, is what he says. He also says that while there are limited high yielding Zero CPN Bonds are available (such as South African Rand Zeros), a time is going to come within ne,t 18 months similar high yielding products in USD, GBP and EURO hitting the market as the financial crisis getting deeper and deeper (let those idiots in Washington and Fed say whatever they want). Wait for those opportunities when they arise in your countries.
This is part 5 of his New Series – How to Invest into Anything?. Part 2 of Zero coupon (Part 6 of overall series) will appear 3 days later. Read more…
Bonds,CDs and Bank Deposits build First Wealth..SR 04 of How to invest..
This is continuation of series “How to Invest into anything?” This part SR04 deals with relatively simpler products like Bank Deposits. However, the important part of this article is to teach the investors how to invest even into bank deposits. The author shows implications of many important process, and also explains in very simple terms what an Individual investor should do in such circumstances. He also explains how the Investor reduces his wealth by using plastic money, and how he can become prosperous by intelligent savings. The author also shows how to use Recurring Deposit to build real wealth with common sense planning. Meanwhile, please read more