Scams, Scandals & Stock Markets – the ultimate buy opportunities.

The Author provides tools to investors how should they deal with seemingly bad news and convert them into solid money making opportunities. Scams and Scandals are the integral part of the super bull or bear markets where the temptations are more and real opportunities are less that create the fraudsters. While the Author has given the real life examples from Indian stock markets, the principles involved may be applied in all markets with difference only in degrees depending on the practices of respective stock exchange and their internal rules.

Helping Indian Industrialists, Mr. Prime Minister

The Author applauds India’s top Industrialists – Ratan Tata and K M Birla. They became victims of the credit crunch that severely dented viability of their overseas acquisitions such as Corus, and Jaguar (in UK by Tata) and Novelis (by Birla). The author appeals to the Prime Minister and Finance Minister of India to help these great industrialists from India’s FOREX reserves of $300 billions and save these vital groups from dire distress. India’s forex reserve should be used for Indians first and others later, the Author argues.

How good is the Reliance Petroleum (RPL) for Investors?

The Author tried to address the hypes on one of India’s most premium business house – Reliance Induustries Ltd, and its presently promoted Reliance Petroleum Ltd. (RPL) a massive green refinery, ranked 6th largest in the world. The refinery, in which Chevron holds 5% stake, comes on production stream in December 08 (now delayed to Jan 09). The stock price of this unborne child went on as high as 259. Currently trading at Rs 82, the author argues that the stock of this prized company could drop to 30 to 60 level due to host of factors, including hitherto unknown Rs 77oo crores of derivatives outstanding (US$ 1.6 billions). Too many shares – 4.5 billions are too much to digest in the market, although 70% is owned by its parent RIL – first ever Fortune 500 Indian company.

India’s ON and OFF Policy

The author analyzes the reasons for indida’s ailment, its misguided rupee policy, how weaker rupee hurts the economy and foreign investment, damaging measures taken by SEBI, RBI, Finance Ministry in hurting the rupee and their own economy. One of the finest essay on the Indian economy.

Rebalancing Portfolio in Depressed Market

The Author addresses investor’s basic needs at the heightened stage of market stress. He provides comprehensive guidance to almost all Investors – personal to professionals -how to handle their portfolio at this point of time. He narrates in very simple language when to invest new money, and until such time, how to rebalance their present portfolio with existing resources. He also provides tool such as Excel spreadsheet with demo examples. No Author has ever provided such guidance ever. The Author has 40 years of rich experience in banking, stocks, bonds, currencies, commodities in international market.