Falling from the Cliff – US and Global Markets

The Author discusses in this article the present status of economy and stock market. According to Author, the markets have reached the crescendo. The markets may stay stable or rise by another 400 to 600 points due to January effect, after which the calamitous collapse may begin. We are almost near to apocalypse. Serious meltdown is about to begin soon. Beware..

Citi Saved, Nation Destroyed

The Author critically evaluates latest myth surrounding the US government’s guarantee of $306 billions issued to Citigroup and cash funding of $ 45 billions under TARP. The Citigroup CEO Mr. Pandit’s statement that the Citigroup was having the best quarter since 2007 was an act of deceiving the Senators, President Obama and American Tax Payers. According to Author, a clever game of creative accounting was played out at the highest level. Instead of making Citigroup absorb the losses in its own book, the creative genius were at work to ensure that the Citi was spared and the nation (USA) was obviously destroyed. How as it achieved – Read the full article.

US Economy – Coma, Colon & Full Stop

The present credit crisis is getting out of hand. President Obama has to do something very fast. His good oratory will certainly help people gain confidence but it can easily evaporate. Target specific actions are required. Merely trying to help the defunct banks is like throwing good money after bad money. It is time to preserve what is already in good condition and discard what is bad or worst. The author describes a game plan and step by step strategy to de freeze the credit and get the economy rolling again. It will work. The author who has written a book called “Sub Prime Resolved” is nearly ready and will be published soon. It contains complete step by step solution to entire range of crisis. It is in fact a “Bible of Economic Recovery of United states.

Defrosting the Liquidity Freeze

The Author implies that if some standard or dogma does not work out for a long time, then it is time to abandone that standard. We carry hundreds of old beliefs that low interest rates promote the growth, GDP but ask Japan, did it work for them for 14 years in spite of having near Zero interest rate? Ask United States – did it work for them either for over 7 years during which Alan Greenspan brought down the interest rates on its knees without yielding any tangible result. Low interest rates fostered the derivative trades and toxic investment products that neither seller nor buyer understood. Author not only evaluates the reasons but also provides uncoventional solution to the present problem, Read the article which is written in very simple English without any jargons, in convincing and logical manner. Offer your comments, howsoever small, if you really liked the article. Other articels are found on the side bar. if you wish to download, use the download box for well formatted PDF files.

Paulson’s Poison Pill – Cost $700 Billions

The author thoroughly invesigates the Paulson’s game plan that seeks to blow up $700 billions of American Tax payers. The author informs that taxpayers may lose $700 billions overnight to finance the securities having zero value. He also asks why American taxpayers should pay for the obligations of off-shore obligations of some American corporations? A master piece and very informative that answers many questions in the minds of today’s intellegentia and common men alike.